Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I'd like to continue my discussion with fonts, because they are so plentiful and there is so much that you can do with them.

I'll start off with a link to a great website.

Think of fonts as designing the interior of a home in the right color and fabric groups. Obviously not everything will match, the fun is finding out which schemes work.

Dingbats. No, I'm not calling you a dingbat! Dingbats represent little images that each letter of the keyboard will generate. You can put these through programs like Photoshop and Photo Filtre to add textures, solid or graduated colors to them. Some graphic artists have gotten pretty creative incorporating these into their designs.

Categories. What is the definitive category list for fonts? Is there one? Serif, Sans Serif, Decorative. There are so many!

Styles. There are so many different ways to designs fonts. You can have picture fonts, with a picture in the font instead of a solid color, you can have a gradient (Photoshop specializes in them), you can have Gel fonts (some great ones in the Adobe community), patterns/textures (there are thousands of them!)

So whether you are creating a notice for a birthday party or a professional layout, there is a font style for you. Can you be creative enough to make it stand out and to be your own unique style?

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